Savannah / Hilton Head International Airport (SAV)
Car Parking
(Savannah, Georgia - GA, USA)

Savannah International Airport offers short-term and long-term surface car parking at reasonable rates, with more than 1,600 premium spaces available, close to the airport.
Short-Term / Long-Term Surface
The airport car park is located in front of the terminal, within walking distance, and has more than 200 car parking spaces for use by those who wish to park for short-stays and a further 1,000 spaces that are charged at daily and weekly rates.
Short-term parking charges are levied every 30 minutes up to a maximum daily rate of 5 hours of parking; the first 30 minutes are free to allow for picking-up and dropping-off passengers. Long-term spaces are charge by the hour, day and the week, with the first 10 minutes of parking free.
The Valet Parking Service at Savannah International Airport is located on the upper level at the entrance to the terminal and is ideal for those with little time or who prefer greater convenience. In addition, baggage can be deposited with an attendant for check-in.
Disabled parking spaces are available at Savannah International Airport and are conveniently located near the car park entry and exit points, and as close to the terminal as possible; porter assistance can also be requested. Disabled drivers must have their disabled badge on display in the car at all times to be eligible to use a disabled space.